athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, sports

The Toughest Job in Sports? Professional Gambler

It is pretty safe to say that when people think of the most difficult job in sports gambling rarely, if ever, comes up. While many think that gambling is an easy career, here are some numbers to put the difficulty of being a professional sports better into perspective: a gambler must win 52.4% of all even-money bets to avoid losing money and must win 55% to make a decent living. As if gambling on sports themselves weren’t hard enough, the fact that gamblers must also pay bookies and those who run the books part of their take means that there are even more struggles to make a living wage. Couple this with the inherit dangers of gambling addiction and the desperation people feel to make up previous losses, and you have a career with a high burnout rate and a high likelihood of finding yourself bankrupt.

According to the professionals who are still in the game making money, the best way to be a gambling success is to stick to only a few games a day and to make smaller bets so that you make a moderate profit (or only take a moderate loss). This might limit the amount of money you can make, but the steady grind is much preferable to losing it all on one game. That forces you to make bigger and riskier bets in an attempt to win back what you lost and that is how the vicious cycle that you can never escape begins.

If you’d like to read more, the link is below:

from Bryan Lockley and Sports

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, sports

How Fitness Can Help You Find A Job

When people are thinking about how to improve their chances of finding work, one of the things they rarely think about is fitness and exercise. While it may never be on the front of peoples minds, fitness can actually improve your chances of finding work in ways beyond simply creating a healthier and more confident you. Along with boosting confidence and self-worth (which definitely show during things such as interviews), working out also helps in ways that are more esoteric and mental. Just because the benefits aren’t visible doesn’t mean that they aren’t real.

The most obvious benefit to working out is getting healthier, which leads to improved confidence. While confidence is obviously important, especially when interviewing, it isn’t the only thing that is needed in a job hunt. Along with boosting confidence, working out also increases focus and builds stamina; both are incredibly important in the working world. The high energy levels that come from working out are another boon to look forward too. Exercise such as yoga also has benefits such as improving creativity, improving decision making, and deepening connections with and empathy for others. Having a routine also means that you can commit to things that are difficult and, potentially, uncomfortable. All of these things are important in the work environment and exercise and being healthy can help with them.

If you’d like to read more, the link is below:

from Bryan Lockley and Fitness
