athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Half squat rack pt 2

Here is a front view of the half squat rack exercise, which is great for working your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It’s similar to a full rack squat, except you begin on your knees (resting on a step) supporting the barbell on your shoulders, and thrusting your hips back into a crouching position, then returning to the starting position.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Half Squat Rack Oblique View

This is a great exercise that works your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It’s similar to a full rack squat, except you begin on your knees (resting on a step) supporting the barbell on your shoulders, and thrusting your hips back into a crouching position, then returning to the starting position.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Pelvic Press

Hey there athletes and friends! As you can probably imply, this exercise works your pelvic muscles. Begin seated with a bench behind you and a weighted barbell over your legs. It helps if you put a pad on the bar, as I did. Lean back on the bench so that your shoulder blades rest on it. Push up with your hips and return to starting position, repeating this motion several times.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Rdl on Step

Hello athletes and friends! Here I show you an RDL, or Romanian Deadlift. This exercise, using a barbell or weights, targets your hamstring muscles. Here’s how you do it: Hold the bar or weight at hip level with your palms facing downward, with your shoulders back and your knees slightly bent. Then, lean down, moving your butt back as far as possible. Return to starting position by moving your hips forward to stand tall.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Reverse Lunge Rack Oblique View

Hey there athletes and friends! Here’s a great exercise for stretching your leg muscles. Begin in a standing position on a bumper plate, and bend one leg backwards into a reverse lunge position, then return to standing with both feet on the plate. I recommend starting with a comfortable weight and building up to something heavier, and resting 90 seconds between sets.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Reverse Lunge Rack Oblique View

Hey there athletes and friends! Here’s a great exercise for stretching your leg muscles. Begin in a standing position on a bumper plate, and bend one leg backwards into a reverse lunge position, then return to standing with both feet on the plate. I recommend starting with a comfortable weight and building up to something heavier, and resting 90 seconds between sets.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Reverse Lunge Rack Oblique View

Hey there athletes and friends! Here’s a great exercise for stretching your leg muscles. Begin in a standing position on a bumper plate, and bend one leg backwards into a reverse lunge position, then return to standing with both feet on the plate. I recommend starting with a comfortable weight and building up to something heavier, and resting 90 seconds between sets.

athletics, bryan lockley, fitness, florida, gym teacher, miami, physical fitness, port orange, sports, training

Reverse Lunge Rack Oblique View

Hey there athletes and friends! Here’s a great exercise for stretching your leg muscles. Begin in a standing position on a bumper plate, and bend one leg backwards into a reverse lunge position, then return to standing with both feet on the plate. I recommend starting with a comfortable weight and building up to something heavier, and resting 90 seconds between sets.
